New and improved Livestream from EnD!
EnD’s livestream from last week is now available! Better audio, more cameras!
EnD’s livestream from last week is now available! Better audio, more cameras!
If you’ve watched the stream as it went out on EnD’s on Facebook page, take note that the YouTube videos are of better quality (1080p video, 32bit 48k multitrack audio) and edited to fix any framing issues. In other words, these will look and sound better on any device that you can play YouTube videos … Read moreEnD’s latest Livestream is now available on YouTube!
During this global pandemic EnD have not been able to perform for an audience since Dustin’s birthday They had intended to start Livestreaming earlier from our studios but then Michigan ended up on full lockdown. Now that things are slowing up and we know more about the virus and how it’s contracted, EnD have decided … Read moreEnD Livestream from June 26th is now available on YouTube